You may recognize this image from the first State of the Brog Address. While I try not to repeat pictures, every blog needs a figurehead now and again, and this just really does it for me. Expect to see the watchful eyes of Wolfgang Bramadeus here whenever there is a State of the Brog Address or other general update being made. I hope you like her as much as I do.
Gentle Readers. August was hard. The brog seems a bit worse for wear, I know; few posts, little Facebrog and Tumbrog lovin’, nary an update as to what to expect… But there’s good news, and there’s more good news. Pictures have been taken. Posts have been written. Undertakings undertook. September will be a month to remember, and I’m set to be right back on track. Topics this month will include: Victoria’s Secret Fitting Debacles (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bra… Just kidding!), reviews of dresses from Modcloth and (if I can just get it shot in time) Charming Charlie (A baggy, shapeless shirt dress that works on curves! What trickery is this?), explorations of the new size expansion from Parfait (including my first babydoll review!), a little wrap-up of CURVENV (a lingerie expo I attended), at least the first in a series of blog posts that I cannot give away but you won’t want to miss, and, if all goes well, my first video review, at least one DD Atelier dress review, a feature on EstyLingerie’s bra strap chokers and body harnesses, and my first review of purely decorative lingerie (from Arabel, one of my absolute favorites). How does that sound? Enough post-y goodness for you? No? Well how about I add at least one in my series on bra fitting, too? And a post about bra alterations? Prepare to sink your teeth in, my fabulous and ravenous readers. The Content. She is a’comin’.
Other works in progress:
- A lovely little girdle from Rago Shapewear
- An overbust corset from Orchard Corsets
- A multi-part review that will leave you wanting to tune in again the next week on the Same Bra Time, Same Bra Channel
- Two Trashy Diva dresses
- Panache Sports Bra (hint: it works!)
- Dresses from new and already-much-beloved company Sinaquoa
- (Keep your fingers crossed for this) Fraulein Annie’s Falling in Love line, and Large Cup Lingerie
- Very cool new Urkye stuff, yet to arrive but much anticipated
- At least one Pinup Girl Clothing dress, if I can make a final decision. Erin?
- Ewa Michalak bras: PL, and, if I ever manage to get one, S and/or SM
Other Stuff:
- My Full-Bust Pinup Girl Clothing roundup, revisited
- More bra fitting posts
- Shapewear discussions
- Brand and Blog Spotlights
- Style posts, such as “The Magic of Belts” and “Maternity Dresses for People Who Aren’t Having Babies”
- These may or may not have better titles when the time comes. No promises.
- Some shorter, more casual reviews so we can get more content on here a week without having to bother my photographers so much that they start hating me.
There will be posts of the sort you know and posts that are, well, kinda out there. Short posts, long posts, video posts, mostly text posts, posts where I try to use helpful diagrams but you might not actually know what I am getting at because I am bad at drawing diagrams, posts with guest stars (Amazonia CEO’s assistant is returning in a new guise!), and possibly, just possibly, some bonus content. ISN’T THIS EXCITING GOSH GUYS I AM REAL EXCITED OVER HERE.
In the meantime, have you been checking out all the Diversity in Lingerie posts by searching for the helpfully simple hashtag #diversityinlingerie? Or considered attending the Busty Clothing Swap being hosted by Hourglassy in New York (not-so-secret secret: I will probably be there!)? Seen how lovely Izabela of Voluptuous and Beautiful looks in the Urkye Kiecka Dress or the beautiful color and fit of Urkye’s Kopertówka Shirt in zielona (green) on Boosaurus? How about how fabulously one of my most-wanted-but-sized-out-of-bras, the Freya Patsy, works on Undiegamer? Or the beauitful Masquerade Arquette on Fuller Figure Fuller Bust? Checked out the curve-friendly dress finds from not-specifically-bust-friendly companies (read: cheaper! yay!) highlighted by Muscles and Curves? The generally amazing fashion sense in the Collectif Cowgirl post by Curves to Kill? Seriously, there is so much going on in the full bust blogosphere right now, I can barely handle it. I am so behind on all my blog readings! My blog roll disappeared when I moved from blogger into this wonderful self-hosted space, so I’ll have to rebuild that for you soon. *mentally adds to list of blog projects, which is approximately the length of ten city blocks at this point* In the meantime, check out some of these links, and know that in THEIR blog rolls, there is much goodness to be found. Goodness that I should be linking to here in this very paragraph, in fact, but am not because I am instead deciding that 5am is as good a time as any to decide I am seriously overdue for bedtime, and am seizing the opportunity to get a few hours of sleep in before the day begins. More to come before the week is out.
Have you missed me, Gentle Readers? I’ve missed you.